Sleep & Recovery

When it comes to sport, injuries can sometimes be a part of the game. However, nobody likes to be side-lined for longer than necessary. Fortunately, certain foods and vitamins can help reduce the amount of time your body needs to recover from a sports injury. In this article, Human Performance Hub explores some of the best vitamins for healing muscle tears. So, which vitamins actually help with muscle tears? 


Some of the most important vitamins, minerals and nutrients for muscle tears include:


  • Vitamin C, Vitamin D


  • Magnesium, Calcium rich foods 


  • Protein, Fibre, Omega-3 fatty acids, Zinc, Creatine


Keep reading to learn more about the types of vitamins that help muscle tears and examples of foods that contain them. 

Types of Vitamins That Help Muscle Tears 

As most of us know, the repairing of bones and soft tissues is a very complex process that our bodies need a vast amount of energy, minerals and vitamins to be able to carry out effectively. Whilst your food regime alone is not enough to heal muscle tears, it can certainly help in speeding up the process. So, which vitamins are best? 


Protein is an important building block for many tissues in your body, including muscle. After a sports injury, the injured body part is often immobilised. This generally leads to a decline in strength and muscle mass. However, getting enough protein can help minimise this loss. Consequently, a protein-rich food regime may help prevent inflammation from getting too bad and slowing down your recovery. 

Examples of protein-rich foods include: 

  • Red meats (beef, lamb, deer, wild boar etc) 
  • Almonds
  • Broccoli
  • Chicken
  • Fish 
  • Eggs

According to experts, eating a protein-rich snack before bed may also enhance your body’s muscle-building process while you sleep. 

At Human Performance Hub, we offer a range of quality protein powder supplements to help repair tissue. 

In particular, we are proud to stock different flavours of Bone Broth Protein Powder. This great-tasting, dairy-free protein powder is ideal for those looking to boost their protein intake to build muscle and aid recovery. 


Magnesium acts as a nervous system and muscle relaxant and is responsible for helping us to fight fatigue and regulating our mood. It’s also involved in over 300 chemical processes in the body including; nerve function, blood pressure regulation, bone health, hormonal interaction and the synthesis of proteins and fats. It is also key when it comes to your muscle’s ability to contract and relax which makes it a great mineral to help with torn muscles. 


Examples of magnesium-rich foods include: 


  • Spinach
  • Dark chocolate
  • Avocado
  • Figs
  • Pumpkin seeds


At Human Performance Hub, we stock Magnesium L-Threonate Vegetarian Capsules. These vital minerals aid performance, help calm the nervous system and help you sleep. According to research, magnesium Threonate is also hugely beneficial for cognitive function and memory. 

Fibre-Rich Foods

During recovery from an injury, there’s a good chance you’ll have limited use of the injured body part. When you move less, you use less energy throughout the day. To help manage your weight whilst you’re recovering, you’ll likely want to eat a little differently. One way to reduce your calorie intake without feeling hungry is to eat food rich in fibre. 

Along with the protein-rich foods mentioned above, this will help you eat less without feeling deprived. This is because foods rich in fibre help promote feelings of fullness after meals. On top of this, fibre-rich foods also tend to be high in several other vitamins essential for your recovery, including vitamin C, magnesium and zinc

Some examples of foods rich in fibre include:

  • Fruits (bananas, strawberries, pears) 
  • Vegetables (sweet potatoes, avocados) 
  • Legumes

Take a look at our Fibre + & Apple Pectin Powder at Human Performance Hub if you’re struggling to get adequate fibre from your diet. This product is particularly suitable for people looking to avoid grains whilst getting fibre. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps your body make collagen, a type of protein which helps maintain the integrity of your bones, muscles, skin and tendons. It is also important for wound healing. Therefore, getting enough vitamin C is a great way to help your body rebuild tissue after an injury. Some of the foods highest in vitamin C are citrus fruits, red and yellow bell peppers, dark leafy greens, kiwi, broccoli, berries, tomatoes, mango, and papaya.

Whilst research is mixed on whether vitamin C supplementation can actually improve athletic performance or speed recovery, individuals who are unable to consume enough vitamin C should consider taking supplements. 

To find out more, take a look at our range of vitamin C supplements at Human Performance Hub or read our article, ‘The Amazing Benefits of Vitamin C’

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

After an injury, the first phase of healing always involves some inflammation. This inflammatory response is beneficial and needed for proper healing. But, if this inflammation remains too high for too long, it may slow down your recovery. One way to prevent this is to eat enough omega-3 fats. These fats, which are found in foods such as fish, algae, walnuts, flaxseed, and chia seeds, are known to have anti-inflammatory properties. 

Some studies show that omega-3 supplements may help increase the creation of muscle protein, reduce the loss of muscle during immobilisation and promote recovery from concussions. Omega 3 also helps to prevent and manage heart disease. 

At Human Performance Hub, our Omega 3 Ultra Softgel Capsules provide 600 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 400 mg of dexahexapentaeonic acid (DHA) in each 2-softgel serving. This product is perfect for individuals seeking a high-potency omega-3 product. 

To find out more,  take a look at our insightful article, ‘How Much Omega 3 Should an Athlete Take?’


Every single tissue in our body contains zinc, which is why it is such an important mineral when it comes to muscle tears. Zinc helps support the metabolism of proteins that your body needs to rebuild the injured area. 

On top of this, zinc:

  • Helps promote wound healing 
  • Reduces inflammation 
  • Stabilises protein structures 
  • Helps regulate hormone levels 

Eating zinc-rich foods may help you recover from an injury more effectively. Foods rich in zinc include: 

  • Oysters 
  • Red meat
  • Free range organic chicken
  • Chickpeas
  • Cocoa powder
  • Cashews
  • Mushrooms
  • Spinach

Our zinc complex for male health can be taken before training to improve how your brain and nerves send signals to contract muscles. Zinc has also been shown to support healthy skin, metabolism, reproduction and blood sugar levels. 

Take a look at our zinc supplements to find out more! 

Calcium-Rich Foods & Vitamin D

Calcium is involved in muscle contractions and nerve signalling, which is why it is so important that you get enough of it at all times, not just when you are recovering from an injury. Examples of calcium-rich foods include dairy products, leafy greens, seaweed and almonds. Vitamin D serves an equally important function because it helps your body absorb the calcium found in the foods you eat. Alongside calcium, it plays a crucial role in recovery from a bone injury. 

Studies also show that getting enough vitamin D may increase the changes of a good recovery after surgery. For example, a good vitamin D status can enhance strength recovery following an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgery.

As a vitamin that is often deficient in most individuals, you may want to take a look at our vitamin D supplementation on offer at Human Performance Hub


Creatine helps your body produce energy during heavy lifting or intense exercise. Whilst it is most commonly used to increase muscle mass and performance, it can also help you recover from an injury. An older study reported that creatine supplements enhanced the gain of muscle mass and strength lost during a 2-week immobilisation period more than a placebo. 

As one of the most-studied and safest supplements around, creatine may be worth trying. Take a look at our creatine supplements at Human Performance Hub

Final Thoughts 

When you are recovering from a sports injury such as a muscle tear, many elements come into play. While not all of them are under your influence, you do have some control over the vitamins, minerals and nutrients you provide your body. Therefore, regularly consuming the foods and supplements mentioned in this article is a great way to speed up your recovery. 

To find out more about the health and fitness services we offer, take a look at our sports nutrition program, blood testing and full body composition analysis at Human Health Hub. 

Remember, if you are considering supplements, it’s always a good idea to talk with your doctor before adding any to your daily regime. 

Vitamins & Supplements At Human Performance Hub 

At Human Performance Hub, our mission is to empower people with knowledge, personalised services, and quality supplements in order to make informed decisions to improve their health. 


We stock an extensive range of vitamins, many of which are mentioned in this article. From vitamin C, zinc and omega-3, we supply a range of vitamins that can aid with muscle tears. 

Take a look at our range online today, or get in touch with us for tailored advice.

Body detoxification is an ideal way of flushing out invaders in your body and making you feel revitalised. Detoxing your body can help to improve your body’s overall detox response and keep your organs functioning correctly. Supporting your body with detox supplements can help speed up the time it takes for full-body detoxification. With all that in mind,  how long does it take for your body to detoxify? 

It usually takes around 10 days to fully detoxify your body as your body requires time to digest, adjust and eliminate all of the toxins you have consumed. It may take even longer if you have never detoxified your body before. When carrying out a full body detox, it’s best to limit your alcohol, processed foods, sugar and salt intake. You should focus on getting rest, being active, drinking water and consuming antioxidant-rich and probiotic foods. 

Read on to learn more about detoxifying your body with Human Performance Hub.

Can You Detox Your Body In 24 Hours?

If you’re feeling under the weather or need to cleanse your body, detoxification can help. There are ways of detoxing your body in 24 hours, and this includes:

  • Sleep: Getting plenty of sleep is ideal for flushing out toxins. Research has shown that a good night’s sleep will clear your body and mind. While you sleep, your mind is cleared of corticotropin-releasing hormones built up during the day due to stress. Sleep enables you to improve your memory, relieve stress, and improve your quality of life. 
  • Balanced Diet: Eating foods rich in antioxidants, such as raspberries and strawberries, can help support your body’s detoxification process and help you feel refreshed. Antioxidants protect your body from free radicals and prevent you from developing a severe illness. 
  • Lemon Water: Consuming lemon water or other citrus fruits can help to detox your liver and improve function. It fights oxidative damage and protects your liver from toxins. 
  • Detox Supplements: Detox supplements can help with a 24-hour detox and boost your body’s normal detoxification process. Our supplements from Human Performance Hub are the ideal way to help you feel refreshed and at your best. 

What’s The Fastest Way To Flush Your Body Of Toxins?

The fastest way to flush your body of toxins is to support your body’s detoxification process with healthy habits. This includes drinking more water as water helps with digestive function and clearing out your body of toxins. Eating probiotic foods such as bananas, garlic, tomatoes, and onions will help with gut health and care for the cells in your intestines. 

Another ideal way of flushing out toxins is to take detox supplements. Our Beatine HCL supplement is designed to help with digestive function and help you flush out toxins while helping you absorb good nutrients. 

How Do You Know If Detox Is Working?

There are some key signs you should be aware of to know that your detox is working. 

Feeling Energised For Longer

You should start noticing that you feel more energised throughout the day and don’t tire during physical activity. This will give you a positive outlook on life and could leave you feeling happier overall

Good Digestive Health 

When detoxing your body, you will improve your overall digestive health and help you to flush out toxins. You should have regular movements and be able to absorb nutrients better. It will also help your figure as you won’t accumulate fatty tissue along your midsection. 

Clearer Complexion 

A clear sign that your detoxing is working is that your skin looks better, and there is less pigmentation discolouration as the toxins have been flushed out. This will improve your confidence and enhance your mood. 

Improved Mental Health

Better health from a detox can be an instant mood booster. Detoxification can help prevent you from worrying about your physical health and improve your mental well-being. This is important as good mental health is important for handling stress and decreasing the risk of illnesses, including diabetes and heart disease. 

What Not To Do After A Detox?

Once you’ve detoxed your body, it’s important not to consume excessive amounts of caffeine, alcohol, high-fat and high-sugar foods. You should aim to limit your salt intake as too much salt can cause water retention and cause you to hold on to toxins within your body. 

We’d recommend that you focus on sleep, drinking more water, eating foods high in prebiotics and eating antioxidant-rich foods. This will support detoxification and help you feel fresh once you’ve finished your detox. 

Detox Supplements From Human Performance Hub

Human Performance Hub offers high-quality detox supplements to support your health. Our detoxification supplements help to support detoxing your system and organs, boosting your response. 

Take a look at our range of supplements, or get in contact with us for tailored advice.


If you’re new to the world of supplements, you may have heard rumours of various benefits and side effects. It can be difficult to know where the truth lies. In this blog, we address one of these rumours – whether or not glycine makes you sleepy – and take a look at the wide ranging benefits of this supplement. So, first things first, will glycine make you sleepy?

Glycine doesn’t necessarily make you sleepy, but it is thought to have a number of sleep-related benefits. These include:

  • Helping you to fall asleep faster
  • Reducing symptoms of insomnia
  • Improving overall quality of sleep

Read on to learn more about the benefits of glycine and how to take it with Human Performance Hub.

Will Glycine Make Me Sleepy?

Glycine is an amino acid that helps to maintain strength, support the muscles and bones, and keep your metabolism functioning correctly. It also supports a healthy brain and contributes to a good night’s sleep.

Glycine has a number of sleep-related benefits, but may not necessarily make you sleepy. Here are the key benefits of glycine for sleep:

  • Glycine helps you fall asleep faster
  • Glycine helps to reduce symptoms of insomnia
  • Glycine improves overall sleep quality

Whilst research is limited, it is thought that glycine helps people to sleep better by reducing body temperature. Glycine works to increase blood flow to the extremities which, in turn, reduces core body temperature. This is related to melatonin – a hormone that promotes sleep. Research suggests that this reduction in body temperature can help people to fall asleep faster and spend more time in REM sleep.

Likewise, research suggests that glycine may increase serotonin – a hormone that is involved in sleep regulation. It is thought to help restore healthy sleep patterns, and encourage deeper, more restful and refreshing sleep, even for those with insomnia or those trying to bounce back after a period of disturbed sleep.

Does Glycine Give You Energy?

Glycine plays a part in the creation of creatine, a substance that provides muscles with the energy needed for short bursts of activity. For this purpose, it is particularly popular with athletes. However, it can also provide the brain with the energy it needs for cognitive functions such as short-term memory and reasoning.

Learn more about this in our blog, The Top 7 Benefits of Glycine Powder

Is Glycine Good for Working Out?

Glycine is good for working out, particularly for those trying to build muscle. It synthesises proteins and plays a vital role in the creation of creatine and collagen – both of which lead to an increase in growth hormone release. This, ultimately, builds muscle. Glycine also helps with muscle recovery, which is key for a sustainable workout program. 

Learn more about using glycine for building muscle in our dedicated blog, Is Glycine Good for Building Muscle?

What are the Other Benefits of Glycine?

Aside from better sleep and athletic performance, Glycine has a number of other benefits, including:

  • Antioxidant properties – Glycine is one of three amino acids that the body uses to create glutathione. This protects the cells against oxidative damage caused by free radicals. 
  • Reduced risk of heart disease – A study found that those with higher levels of plasma glycine had a reduced risk of heart attack and a better heart disease profile.
  • May aid in diabetes management and prevention – Glycine stimulates a gut hormone that increases the ability of insulin to remove glucose from the bloodstream. 
  • Protects the liver – Whilst there are obvious benefits to reducing the amount of alcohol consumed, glycine has been shown to reduce the harmful effects of alcohol on the liver by preventing inflammation.
  • Impacts mood and memory – A further benefit of increased serotonin, it is thought that glycine improves mood, memory and cognitive thinking.

Learn more about each of these benefits in more detail in our in-depth blog, The 7 Top Benefits of Glycine Powder.

How to Take Glycine

To achieve the benefits mentioned above, we recommend starting with 1 scoop of glycine powder mixed with a bit of water. This should be taken after your evening meal.

If you don’t see any benefit from a single scoop, this dosage can be increased to a maximum of 30g. However, it is very important to monitor how your body responds to the supplement. If you’re unsure, please speak to a qualified practitioner for further advice. 

Glycine Supplements from Human Performance Hub

Now you know all about the benefits of glycine and how to take it, take a look at our Glycine Powder supplement. Encourage better sleep, Improve your performance, and boost your cognitive performance. Take a look at our range online today, or get in touch with us for tailored advice.


Human Performance Hub Glycine Powder


We’re always here to help. If you have any questions or would like advice on nutrition, supplements or training, please book in for a consultation.

sleeping man

Taurine (2-aminoethanesulfonic acid) is an organic compound widely found in the human body. It is considered a conditional amino acid because it can be manufactured by the body. Taurine is essential for cardiovascular function, development of skeletal muscle, retinal function and the nervous system. One area that people tend to neglect are the benefits that taurine has on sleep. In this article, Human Performance Hub explores whether you should take taurine before bed and how it can impact sleep quality.

So, should I take taurine before bed? Whilst it is completely up to personal preference, taurine can be taken before bed to help you fall asleep more easily. This is because taurine helps lower cortisol levels, the stress hormones in the body. It also helps regulate the body’s production of melatonin, the chemical that signals to your brain when it should be feeling sleepy.

Keep reading to learn more about taurine’s impact on sleep and where to find any important information about this organic compound.

Can I Take Taurine Before Bed? 

Yes. Early research shows that taurine, especially if combined with other ingredients, can act as a natural sedative to calm anxiety and lessen reactivity to stress, therefore allowing you to sleep more easily at bedtime. Taurine is a naturally-occurring compound found in the body that increases in response to prolonged periods of being awake. It activates GABA (A) receptors in the brain region known to regulate sleep and is also involved in the creation of the ‘sleep hormone’ melatonin, in the pineal gland. 

Does Taurine Help You Sleep? 

Martin Seeley, the CEO and sleep expert at Mattress Next Day, reported to The Mirror that taurine helps regulate a person’s sleep-wake cycle because it helps lower cortisol levels, otherwise known as the stress hormone, in the body. This means that taurine can promote restorative sleep more quickly because it stops you from feeling stressed before bed. He states that:

Whilst there’s still a lot of research that needs to be conducted to better understand taurine’s positive impact on sleep, it’s believed that taurine helps lower a person’s cortisol levels. As many studies show that stress can have a significant impact on how long it takes a person to fall asleep, taurine can, therefore, promote restorative sleep more quickly.

Martin also added that taurine helps regulate the body’s production and release of melatonin, the chemical that signals to your brain when it should be feeling sleepy and when it should feel more awake. 

Sources of Taurine 

Taurine is a naturally-occurring substance mainly found in:

  • Fish (Scallops, tuna, octopus) 
  • Meat (Beef, chicken, turkey) 
  • Dairy products

In addition to getting taurine from food, you can also get it from some energy drinks and supplements. 

Myths and Misconceptions Surrounding Taurine 

More often than not, people have never heard of the organic compound taurine; however, if you have heard of it, there is a good chance you will have come across some bizarre theories. Let’s dismantle some of these common misconceptions

Let’s start with the word taurine. Whilst its name is derived from the zodiac name for bull, ‘Taurus’, it’s important to remember that taurine does not come from any part of the bull, in particular, bull’s urine or semen.

Fun fact – Historically, taurine was first isolated in 1827 from ox bile, which may help to explain its name and the enduring “made from bulls” myths.

While many are aware of taurine’s ability to stimulate muscle growth and improve athletic performance, taurine actually promotes many more health benefits that are often neglected. Taurine has a number of other advantages, including its ability to provide relaxing sedative effects that help you fall asleep naturally. 

Further Health Benefits of Taurine 

Clinical studies have shown that supplemental taurine has many verifiable benefits, these include: 

  • Improves athletic performance, increasing endurance and strength 
  • May reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing blood pressure and inflammation
  • May help to increase the growth of brain cells (can decrease the side effects of Parkinson’s disease)
  • May help to treat metabolic syndrome. Researchers have found that taurine reduces triglycerides to prevent obesity, improves insulin resistance to regulate the metabolism of glucose, lowers cholesterol and reduces blood pressure. 
  • Taurine is an antioxidant, which means it can help prevent inflammation. Studies have shown it can actually help to heal periodontal disease. 
  • It can help prevent congestive heart failure and liver disease (hepatitis) 
  • In diabetics, taurine can improve blood sugar control. 

Is It Safe To Take Taurine as a Supplement? 

Yes. Taurine is completely safe to take as a supplement and has many benefits. Research studies have not identified any common side effects to date, however, bear in mind that there is not sufficient evidence to support the idea that taurine is the ‘best supplement for promoting sleep’. 

Industry experts use their customers to vouch for taurine’s effectiveness as a sleep aid. According to them, 98% would recommend taurine to a friend, 97% reported that they slept better, 77% report that they were able to fall asleep faster and 78% reported that after trailing taurine, they woke up less frequently throughout the night. 

Is It Safe To Take Taurine Everyday? 

Yes. According to the best available evidence, taurine has no negative side effects when supplemented appropriately. 

One 2019 report suggests that the highest daily dose of taurine you can safely consume is 3 grams per day. However, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) suggested in its 2012 guidelines that you can safely take up to 6 grams per day


HPH Taurine Recovery & Sleep Support


Taurine Supplements At Human Performance Hub

Now that you are aware of the many benefits of taking taurine, why not take a look at our taurine supplements at the Human Performance Hub

If you are looking to improve the quality of your sleep, taurine supplements are a great way to help with recovery and sleep by downregulating the nervous system.


Take a look at our range online today, or get in touch with us for tailored advice.

Inositol is one of the most important vitamins you may never have heard of! It is often promoted as a general health supplement for women due to its benefits for fertility and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), as well as for relieving symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and anxiety. However, inositol benefits a wide array of conditions in both women and men, and has many other health-promoting effects.

In this article, I’ll talk about why inositol is so essential and how you can boost it in your body.


So, what are inositol benefits? Inositol is beneficial in balancing neurotransmitters, but has a wide range of other health benefits including:


  • Promotes quality sleep
  • Improves PMS and PCOS symptoms
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Reduces depression
  • Aids weight loss


Read on to learn more about the health benefits of supplementing with inositol, as well as when and how to take it.

What is Inositol?

Inositol is a vital nutrient produced naturally in the body and found in plants and animals. Inositol plays a part in many bodily processes. However, one of the primary reasons we use inositol here at Human Performance Hub is its vital role in balancing neurotransmitters.

Inositol and Neurotransmitters

Neurotransmitters relay messages between the billions of neurons or nerve cells in your brain and affect many aspects of your life, ranging from moods, productivity, stress management, memory and learning ability, sleep, food cravings, addictions, etc.


While all neurotransmitters are essential, the “big four” are:



All major neurotransmitters rely on inositol to relay the messages between your brain cells. Like your phone needs a signal to work, neurotransmitters can’t do their thing without inositol.


Unfortunately, modern living, with high-stress levels, inadequate sleep, and poor nutrition, can rapidly imbalance your neurotransmitters;  to be physically and mentally healthy, you need a good balance of neurotransmitters.


Inositol is an excellent balancer because it’s naturally a part of many brain chemical systems. As such, inositol can help a wide array of health conditions as well as boost good health. It is one of the first supplements I recommend to new clients.


5 Inositol Benefits Backed by Science

Here are five ways that inositol can improve your health and wellbeing.

1. Inositol Helps to Promote Quality Sleep

The great thing about inositol is that it works as an adaptogen – this means it promotes only what your body needs on an individual basis. For example, GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter, slows down brain activity and puts your body in a calmer and more relaxed state. Low GABA activity in your body is linked to insomnia and disrupted sleep. Meanwhile, serotonin is another brain chemical that affects how you sleep. If serotonin is low, it can disrupt sleep.


So if you’re low in GABA and serotonin and struggle with sleep, inositol can help bring your levels back up. Alternatively, if you struggle to get out of bed in the morning due to low dopamine levels, inositol can help bring this up instead.


Learn more about how neurotransmitters and brain chemicals affect how we sleep in our blogs, The Brain Chemicals that Boost Sleep and Recovery and The Science and Sensibilities of Sleep.


2. Inositol Helps to Improve PMS and PCOS Symptoms

Inositol helps diminish the mood swings, depression, and anxiety of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and the more severe premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Taking inositol supplements can also positively improve polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) symptoms like menstrual irregularities, infertility, weight gain, high blood sugar, and unhealthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels. 


Furthermore, several studies found that daily doses of inositol reduced blood triglyceride levels, improved insulin function, lowered blood pressure, and promoted ovulation in women with polycystic PCOS(3, 4, 5, 6). It supports ovarian function so well that some nutritional supplements specifically designed to encourage fertility contain inositol.


Inositol also shows potential in boosting fertility for men. One study of 194 men showed that inositol supplementation improved sperm quality, sperm count, and fertility after three months. 

3. Inositol Helps Lessen Anxiety

Several mental health disorders such as anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, and depression are linked to lower levels of inositol in the brain (8, 9). Inositol affects neurotransmitters and low inositol levels may contribute to decreased serotonin activity in your brain,  impacting behaviour and mood. Research on inositol supplementation showed improved symptoms associated with conditions affecting serotonin and the brain.

In some instances, inositol was more effective than the most commonly prescribed medications. For example, one study found that people taking inositol had fewer panic attacks per week compared to those taking SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) anxiety medication. 


4. Inositol Helps Reduce Depression

Like anxiety, inositol has benefits for depression. That’s because inositol levels are lower than average in people with depression, however, inositol increases serotonin and creates SSRI effects, similar to antidepressant drugs like Prozac. In one study of 28 people with depression, high doses of inositol (12 g/day) improved mood and all symptoms after four weeks. 


These studies suggest that inositol can be as effective, if not more, when compared to SSRI antidepressant drugs for different conditions.

5. Inositol Helps Weight Loss

Inositol can encourage weight loss by improving how the body responds to insulin. Insulin is a critically important hormone for controlling blood sugar levels, and when your body has a problem responding to insulin, the resulting insulin resistance causes blood sugar fluctuations. This can lead to compulsive overeating and cravings for sugary foods in many people.


Inositol helps reduce insulin resistance by improving the body’s sensitivity to insulin. In one study, women supplemented with 4 grams of inositol per day showed improved insulin sensitivity. (14)


Recommended supplementation

It’s best if you build up your inositol levels steadily. I recommend taking 900mg – 3,6 grams every night for at least one month.

The product I prefer is our Myo-Inositol. Each cap serving has 900mg of inositol. Most people find this the most convenient and economical way to take Inositol.


Inositol has tremendous health benefits due to its many roles in the body. It can help with stress, anxiety, hormonal issues, PCOS, acne, trouble with focus and sugar cravings, and metabolic conditions such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and more. If you have any of these issues or want to help prevent them, you should add inositol to your health toolkit.

Human Performance Hub MYO Inositol


We’re always here to help. If you have any questions or would like advice about supplements, nutrition, or training, please book in for a consultation.


Do you have trouble falling asleep? Do racing thoughts in your head keep you up at night? Are your muscle injuries not healing fast enough? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be deficient in GABA and serotonin – the brain chemicals that help you sleep better and recover faster. 

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Recovery is essential all the things that you do outside of training, it includes sleep and stress management which are vital to good health, but recovery also extends to enjoying your hobbies and making time for yourself. So getting 8 hours of sleep with good quality deep sleep is integral to recovery, as is going on a long walk which you enjoy, reading a book or spending time seeing your friends and family.

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Have you heard of zeitgebers before? If not, you should learn about it because it’s intrinsically linked to your health, performance, and recovery.

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In this article, we take a look at some slumber strategies and supplements to help you improve your sleep.

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Achieving good health and results depends on your sleep so let’s look at the science behind sleep and why it’s so important.

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